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Dames Quarter


Paste shot of a Dames Quarter body sherd from unprovenienced MD site.

Paste shot of a Dames Quarter body sherd
from unprovenienced MD site.


Dames Quarter exterior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/5.

Exterior surface of body sherd.
Nassawango,18WO23 /5.

        Dames Quarter interior surface of base sherd from the Kimmel Collection, Delaware-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.Dames Quarter cross-section of base sherd from the Kimmel Collection, Delaware-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.

Interior surface of base sherd on left, cross-section 
 on right. From the Kimmel Collection, Delaware.
Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums


Dames Quarter exterior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.      Dames Quarter interior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.

Body sherd exterior surface on left, interior 
on right. Nassawango, 18WO23 /6K.


Dames Quarter exterior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.

Exterior surface of  body sherd.
Nassawango, 18WO23 /6K.


Dames Quarter body sherds from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.

Body sherds. 
Nassawango, 18WO23 /6K.


Dames Quarter exterior surface of base sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/5K.        Dames Quarter interior surface of base sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/5K.

Base sherd exterior surface on left, interior 
on right. Nassawango, 18WO23 /5K.


Dames Quarter body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/5K.

Body sherd.
Nassawango, 18WO23 /5K.


Dames Quarter exterior surface of body sherd from a Maryland unprovenienced site.          Dames Quarter interior surface of body sherd from a Maryland unprovenienced site.

Body sherd, exterior surface on left,  interior 
on right. From Maryland, unprovenienced.


Dames Quarter cord-marked body sherd from a Maryland unprovenienced site.

Cord-marked  body sherd.
From Maryland, unprovenienced.


Dames Quarter exterior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.    Dames Quarter interior surface of body sherd from Nassawango, site 18WO23/6K.

Body sherd, exterior surface on left, interior 
on right. Nassawango, 18WO23 /6K.


Copyright � 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab

Updated: 04/10/16